December 3, 2008

Just because I can...

I saw this on one of my friend's blogs. Now that school is over, I don't feel guilty about doing things that are a complete waste of time. So, just because I can, here are a few other random things about me!

10 years ago...
1. I was a sophomore at Big Spring High School.
2. Basketball was my life.
3. I was even more naive than I am now, if you can believe that!
4. We had one of those cell phones that had a box and a cord.
5. I never would have guessed that I would get to do all that I have done!

5 things on today's list
1. Wrap some Christmas presents.
2. Work on my Christmas cards.
3. Relax.
4. Make a lunch for work.
5. Go to Starbucks before work.

If I were a Millionaire
1. Pay completely out of debt.
2. Travel the world!
3. Work only one day a week.
4. Volunteer time at nursing homes or children's homes.
5. Give my nephew anything he wanted (sorry Mel!).

5 Places I have lived (actually only lived in 2 places)
1. Big Spring
2. Lubbock
3. Dallas
4. New York
5. Houston

5 Jobs I have had
1. United Supermarket
2. Covenant (Rehab, SICU)
4. NY Presbyterian Weill Cornell NICU
5. Baylor NICU

I tag Melanie to do this next! Love you!


Melanie said...

10 years ago:
1. I had just started college
2. I was dating my current husband
3. I had really short hair
4. I was driving a Mazda 626 that I bought from Grandmom & Grandad
5. I was planning to be a PT

5 Things on today's list:
1. wrap a Christmas gift
2. update budget for this month
3. pick up the house
4. make a blog post about Thanksgiving
5. get Christmas cards ready

If I were a millionaire:
1. I'd pay out of debt
2. I'd pay off your debt
3. Cohen's college would be paid for
4. I'd travel
5. We'd have a beach house

5 Places I have lived:
1. as a baby in Lamesa
2. with parents in Big Spring
3. in the LCU dorms
4. above Midtown Printing in Lubbock
5. our current house in Grapevine

Jobs I have had:
1. babysitter
2. secretary at the USDA - ARS in BS
3. admissions office at LCU
4. secretary at the City of Lubbock
5. nurse at Baylor Irving

Anonymous said...

Those were fun to read... wonder if everyone's first thing if they were a millionaire would be to pay out of debt? That would actually be my 2nd thing - my first thing if I were a millionaire would be to hire myself a chauffeur so I would never - EVER - have to drive my car or go to the tag office again! THEN, I'd pay out of debt. LOVE YOU!!